Honkai Star Rail has gained prominence as an RPG, offering exciting characters, immersive quest lines, and a unique gameplay experience. It also boasts a vast catalog of achievements, which Trailblazers can collect by completing various in-game activities, challenges, and hidden interactions. Likewise, you can acquire the new Coffin Dancer achievement from the Realm-Keeping Commission after completing the A Knight Stranger mission.
It is worth noting that its description reads "Witness Luocha’s hidden side," and does not provide much information about what needs to be done. Hence, this article will outline everything you need to do to unlock the aforementioned achievement.
A Knight Stranger mission is the companion quest for Luocha, which is added to the game alongside his banner release. You can access it via the Travel Log after you have completed the "Humming Antlers, Entwined Horns Mission" at the Xianahou Luofu. Additionally, you must atleast be Trailblaze Level 34 to activate the companion quest.
After accepting Dahao's request, you will be tasked to find out about any suspicious person from the Realm-Keeping Commission's official record. Follow the next step to proceed through the tasks quickly:
This concludes the companion mission, making you eligible to obtain the Coffin Dancer achievement.
The Coffin Dancer was added to Honkai Star Rail after update 1.1, under The Memories We Share category, which has an extensive catalog of achievements. The community had to wait 21 days to unlock Luocha’s companion quest as its prerequisite.
After following the specified walkthrough, Jingyan will inform you about the new footage she found. Head to the Realm-Keeping Commission to investigate the Foursquare Mirror beside her. It will show you a small video where Luocha can be heard talking about how his journey has just begun.
Once again, not much information is revealed about the blonde-haired merchant, and he continues to lock away his hidden side. However, it unlocks the specified achievement, rewarding 5x Stellar Jades.
With more patches lined-up for the future, you can expect similar achievements to roll out in Honkai Star Rail that will entice your inner completionist to acquire them.
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